When Product Marketing meets Product Design

[Original video] Today I'm exploring the incredible ruins of Joven Weap National Monument in far eastern Utah, and I've been thinking about how product marketing and product design can merge together. Product teams have to produce a feature that requires communication to the people who use the software, and this brings product marketing into the picture. Product marketing usually works in a waterfall way, while product teams work in an agile, quick iteration methodology. It's important to consider how these two different cultures and landscapes can come together.

Brand marketing also has to be taken into account, as it is emotion driven and requires a sequence of events to happen. This is a great design challenge for us to think about, as we have the taste of how to work with agility in a product team, but need to consider how to bring in the waterfall and emotion driven aspects of product and brand marketing.

Stakeholder Management

One of the initial things that comes to mind is doing work at the beginning to include these disciplines together. This could be called stakeholder management mapping or a racy chart. This would be a great way to bring everyone together and seek alignment early on.


Merging product marketing and product design is a great design challenge for us to think about. Stakeholder management mapping or a racy chart is a great way to bring everyone together and seek alignment early on. If you have any advice or things to add to this conversation, I'd love to hear from you.


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